Bogota is the capital of Colombia, therefore, the largest city with the largest population. However, this can be an environmental problem, as the city generates immense amounts of pollution, be it from diesel fuel, natural gas, rubber from automobiles, industrial jobs, and destruction and logging indiscriminate number of hectares of forests.
Diesel and natural gas have been proven to be carcinogenic, in addition, Bogotá has more than 23,000 carcinogenic buses, and even so, they continue to export more
Another big problem is the articulated buses of Transmilenio, or worse still, the bi-articulated buses. These articulated emit more carcinogenic particles from the tire rubber.
Many companies blame private cars as the main cause of pollution, but the reality, which many studies show, is that cars have minimal influence since the amount of particles and gases emitted by gasoline engines is much lower, no carcinogenic and with 300 times less greenhouse effect. effect than diesel.
The harshest reality is that pollution does not affect only the middle or lower strata. In any part of Bogotá you can breathe a lot of polluted and carcinogenic air from SITPs, from 'chimney' trucks, industries that burn products that emit poisonous particles and gases, and more than anything thanks to indolence and corruption, which although not It only exists in Bogotá, if it becomes more evident in the country's capital.
Another thing that is outrageous is seeing the insistence of the authorities for this poisonous transportation system. Obsolete and carcinogenic buses continue to be exported, even as the United States and Europe are already banning them. When the Trasmilenio project was approved, the carcinogenicity of diesel had already been known since 1988, when the IARC classified diesel as a Group 2a carcinogen, that is, most likely a carcinogen.
The severity of these buses can be analyzed with a comparison between a normal day in 2004 and a bus strike in 2006.
A normal day in 2004
One day of bus strike in 2006
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